Expert training with one of our top-notch trainers, we have a wide variety of classes and one on one courses that will fit your needs and budget. Check out our training section for details on the different classes.
We have two basic gym memberships the first is our daytime which allows access during business hours and the second gives you 24-hour access. Both memberships include the entire use of the facility to include cardio equipment, free weights, machine weights, unconventional equipment (ropes, sleds, tires, farmer’s walk, and much more. You also have access to our heavy, speed bags and usage of our steam room.
This is an inexpensive add-on to either of our gym memberships, we have a WOLFF 20 minute tanning bed for that nice relaxing tan after a hard workout.
This is a cost-effective way to get the expert program designed for your needs. You tell us what you’re looking to accomplish and we write the blueprint for you to achieve it! The plans will also include two complimentary one on one training sessions plus your starting measurements and body fat calculation.
More than just a game wall ball is a way of life! Wall ball was a game designed by Sean over 10 years ago using a 2 lb rebounding medicine ball to teach athletes how to use their core muscles when throwing. Wall ball has transformed into a dynamic game enjoyed by all, Sean still uses the game for warm ups and we have moved from the medicine ball to a mini basketball (which has sped up the game).
We carry a nice selection of supplements and apparel from national companies including Universal, OhYeah, Metabolic, Dymatize and many more. We keep all our products at competitive prices and yes that includes those online sites, plus we give you 10% back in points on every purchase.